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What is the price of waultswap (Wex)?

WaultSwap (WEX) is currently ranked as the #901 cryptocurrency by market cap. Today it reached a high of $0.003823, and now sits at $0.003652. WaultSwap (WEX) price is down 0.830000% in the last 24 hours.

What is the price of 1 wax?

The price of 1 WAX currently costs $0.0480. What is the market cap of WAX? The current market cap of WAX is $111.69M. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market. What is the all time high of WAX?

What is the market cap of wax?

WAX Price and Market Stats. WAX Price. WAXP Price. $0.240638. WAX ROI. -24.9%. Market Cap. $374,365,322. Market Cap Dominance.

How many WAXP tokens are there in 2021?

WAX (WAXP) has a circulating supply of 1,513,825,734 tokens as of February 2021 and a maximum supply of 3,770,303,327 WAXP. How Is the WAX Network Secured? WAX network’s DPoS consensus is secure against the corruption of a significant minority or producers.

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